Grand Prairie Police investigate inappropriate teacher-student relationship at Grand Prairie High School
Grand Prairie Police received a complaint that a Grand Prairie High School Boys PE teacher and coach was involved in an inappropriate relationship with an 18-year-old student.
I have reached out to Grand Prairie ISD and the Grand Prairie Police Department. Though we have not heard back from Grand Prairie ISD, they have taken the time and have been very proactive in removing this teacher from the Grand Prairie ISD website.
Grand Prairie Police tell us that no arrests have been made in this case, but they are investigating.
Under Texas law, a sexual relationship between an educator and a student is prohibited. Texas law can punish a person convicted of an improper relationship with a student by placing that person in prison for up to 20 years and fining a person up to $10,000.00. An educator can be convicted of an improper relationship with a student even if the relationship is consensual and even if the student is over 17 years old.
Since no arrests have been made, we are not releasing the individual’s name at this time but if that changes we will update the story and release new details. Please be sure to subscribe so you are the first to find out.
I like this Law. Does it apply to the Educator and Student of Student is Consentual and over 17?
Consentual* not consensual.